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Category: Personalised Learning



They is alot to learn from navigating in nature and the nature of navigation. Navigating in Nature I recently discovered the work of master outdoorsman, expert natural navigator, and global adventurer, Tristan Gooley.[1] Maybe...


Looking Back at 2020

What’s essential is invisible to the eye. ~ Antoine de Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince. This is long overdue. It’s end of April 2021, and I’m only beginning to be able to look back at...



The saying goes, “doubt is a good servant but a bad master.”  In 1978, Pauline Clance and Suzanne Imes coined the term impostor syndrome. (Befitting coincidence as it’s the year I was born). It’s a...



A Smorgasbord of Tips to Keep Your Kids Engaged, Learning and Connected During Home Isolation. Note: This article is cross-posted on two of my blog sites, Frontiers of Psychotherapist Development  and Full Circles. While FPD aims...