Note: This article was originally published in Substack on 28 Jun. 2024.
1. Is The Scientific Paper a Fraud?
We had a discussion on the process publishing peer-reviewed journal articles in our last Fire-Side Chat. This article came to mind.
(We have 2 new publications that has just been approved. Once we get the pre-print, we will share them with you here. So stay tuned and sign up to FPD below if you haven’t already).
2. Can ChatGPT Replace Psychotherapy?
“Computers are useless,” said Pablo Picasso in a 1964 Paris Interview. “They can only give you answers.”
Did you know that before ChatGPT, a bot was built in the 1960s to parody Carl Rogers? It was called Eliza.

For some reason, this article has been more popular than I expected.
Sidenote: Strangely, the original Elon Musk interview that was embedded in the article is no longer available. I’ve found another source, and have added back in. Listen to the segment at 7:40 mins.
3. Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPs)
I wrote a series of Frontiers Friday missives on this topic about 2 years ago.
This came to mind as someone told me that one of her autistic friends said, “you only call yourself a HSP because you are denying that you are actually autistic.”
In one of the recommendations (part III), I addressed this issue between ASD and HSP.
Here’s the 3-part series:

Frontiers Friday #101. Sensitivity (Part I) ⭕

Frontiers Friday #102. Sensitivity (Part II) ⭕

Frontiers Friday #103. Sensitivity (Part III) ⭕
I also highly recommend this interview with comedian Fern Brady. Highly insightful take on the navigating the world with autism (her iPhone vs Android analogy is useful).
Watch her Netflix special too!
4. To Understand? Easy. To Help Someone Feel Understood? Difficult
It’s one thing to understand your client, and it’s quite another to help them feel understood.
This applies not only in the therapy room, but also at home. I notice the challenge of helping my kids feel understood, before they can take in what I’m trying to get across. In our eagerness (more accurately, impatience) to help them “learn,” we fail to take the first step of helping them feel understood by us, what is unspoken on the inside.
It’s only when we are connected that we have a fighting chance of our two minds becoming of one mind.
5. Develop a Fast and Frugal Clinical Decision Pathway
Given the feedback from clinicians, supervisors and organisations, this is a highly useful strategy to consider.
If you would like to learn more topics that can help your professional development, subscribe to the Frontiers of Psychotherapist Development (FPD). On Frontiers Friday (FPD), we serve you directly to your Inbox highly curated recommendations each week.
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