Note: This article was originally published in Substack on 12 Jul. 2024
1. 10 Things to Avoid in Deliberate Practice
There has been a proliferation of books on DP over the last few years. This piece was written in 2018. I would love to hear from those of you who are pushing your growth edges if some of these 10 pitfalls are relevant to watch out for.
2. Teach the Three Types of Knowledge and Not Just One
Part of the series on Reimagining Education in Psychotherapy.
3. Play Series
”A lack of play,” said Stuart Brown, “should be treated like malnutrition; it’s a health risk to your body and mind.”
If you’ve taken any of our trainings, you’d notice how much emphasis is given in keeping the spiritual practice of play.
In part i below, I’ve included access to the Deep Learner course on this topic. Read the comments from participants’ reflections on their play history. It’s moving.

4. The Music of Psychotherapy: Learning in a Wicked Environment
I explored the limited direct transferability of DP from expert domains like sports, chess, and classical music to psychotherapy.
5. What Does General Athleticism Got to Do With Psychotherapeutic Skills?
There’s always a limit to how far we can stretch an analogy. But still worth thinking about.
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