I get the goose bumps when I hear the type of questions discerning therapists raise at my workshops.
It strikes me every time not only because these are the questions I’ve been pondering about for awhile now, but also because of how universal these questions are.
Participants reflecting on their questions regarding their professional development
Here’s what I’m discovering:
When we provide a space for a focused inquiry [1], we create an opportunity to ponder, search, reflect. We step into a deeper sense of focus on the right questions, as we resist the urge for a quick answer.
“You know, if you know the answer, but you don’t know the question you are in a bad way. But if you have questions, you will find answers.”
~ Salvador Minuchin, 2000
Here are some of the examples of actual questions psychotherapists, counsellors, and other mental health professionals like you ask:
“Are we choosing the right areas to focus on growth in professional development?”
“Are our PD activities actually translating to improvement in our practice?”
“What should we actually focus on developing in order to actually improve?”
“What does “improving” mean?”
“Why is professional development activities (workshops, supervision, etc) not helping therapists improve?”
“If psychotherapist value and invest in PD, why is there NO improvement?”
“Does theoretical knowledge improve clinical practice?”
“Why do we continue to value efficiency over mastery?”
“Why are we not improving?”
I invite you to think along with me.
1. Resonance: As we reflect on the brilliant questions above, what resonates for you? What stands out?
2. Quest: What questions have been on your mind about your professional development?
I would love to hear your comments below.
[1]. In my trainings and consults, I borrow this exercise, Question Formulation Technique (QFT) from the Right Questions Institute.
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