Focus on What’s Not Going to Change
Here is Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon, on the importance of what’s not going to change: I very frequently get the question: ‘What’s going to change in the next 10 years?’ And that is...
Frontiers of Psychotherapist Development
At the Bleeding Edge of Development, Reaping Benefit for Our Clients.
Deliberate Practice / Personalised Learning
by Daryl Chow, MA, PhD · Published April 24, 2020 · Last modified April 25, 2020
Here is Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon, on the importance of what’s not going to change: I very frequently get the question: ‘What’s going to change in the next 10 years?’ And that is...
Daryl Chow, MA, Ph.D. (Psych) is a practicing psychologist and trainer. He is a senior associate of the International Center for Clinical Excellence (ICCE). He devotes his time to workshops, consultations, and researches on the development of expertise and highly effective psychotherapists, helping practitioners to accelerate learning and improve client outcomes.
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