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What does “Reigniting Clinical Supervision” Actually Look Like?

In this video, I will walk you through on a practical level, how to use a framework of clinical supervision to translate to actual improvement in outcome. We will take a step-by-step approach to examine what entails a “Coaching for Performance” and “Coaching for Development” framework.

In this week’s Therapy Tip of the Week #7 (TTW), we talk about how to use outcome monitoring tools, not as an assessment tool, but as a conversational tool.

If you have missed the previous videos on how to improve working alliance, here are links:

1. Seek to be Dis-confirmed
2. The Devil is the Details Between Sessions 
3. How to Elicit Nuanced Feedback 

⏳ Time Stamps:
00:00: Introduction
00:40: Not Just an Assessment Tool
01:08: Why Measure at Each Session
02:44: A Clinical Example of Conflicting Ratings

➡ Sidenote:
There are backfire effects if we use measures purely as an assessment tool. See this: The Tyranny of Metrics.

Note: Any personally identifiable information in clinical examples used are changed, in order to protect their confidentiality and privacy.

📜 Becoming a Deep Learner:
If you value lifelong learning and want to leverage this into your clinical effectiveness as a mental health professional, check out The Deep Learner course. –

🎁 Finally, would like to receive 5 wicked handpicked recommendations each Friday? Subscribe to our Frontiers Friday newsletter: 🎯

Here’s a sample of past FF newsletters:
1. On Highly Sensitive Persons:
2. On Emotions:
3. On Deliberate Practice: 

Check out this episode!

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