Here’s a suggestion: When you are on the road, drive like a Grandma.

Let the other people overtake you. Let them drive faster than you. Let them get to the traffic light first.

Go even further, wave to let them get ahead of you–simply because you can be graceful.

No need to rush, because rushing gets you to your destination maybe 2 mins earlier, but costs you the weight of agony–and a flustered face when you reach you destination.

Do you notice how people drive different in dense cities compared to the driving behaviour in less populated places? People aren’t assholes. We underestimate how much of an influence context shape our behaviour.

When you are on the road, you get to be either like the lot of us driving as if we are always late for the 5th job interview, mubbling to ourselves how idiotic others are when they drive… Or, we get to be the minority that counteracts the norm.

If we see what the norm is, everyone is trying to get ahead in every sense of the word.

Mark Twain said,

“The moment you are on the side of the majority, it’s time to pause and reflect.”

A grandmother knows how to take the time, knows how to be present, and is not about to travel at the speed of light. A grandmother sees things that you might miss. When you travel at the speed of light, you just might miss life.