Reigniting Clinical Supervision Batch #5
First Kiss, Undoing the Intake Model and Igniting First Sessions workshop organised by Child Wellbeing (Perth, Mar 2019)
Feedback Informed Treatment Agency Implementation with YALE-NUS counselling team (Singapore Mar 2019)
Reigniting Clinical Supervision Batch #6 (6th of May 2019)
Feedback Informed Treatment Agency Implementation (Australian Centre for Grief and Bereavement, Melbourne, Apr 2019)
Australian Psychological Society College of Clinical Psychology Conference. 1-Day workshop on Deliberate Practice (24th of May 2019, Melbourne,)
Creating Synergy Conference, working with youths (6-7 Jun 2019, New South Wales)
Plenary address on Listening into Speech
Workshop on First Sessions
Workshop on Deliberate Practice
Deliberate Practice 2-Day Intensive in Chicago (8th of Aug 2019)
No Health Without Mental Health Conference keynote address (New South Wales, Nov 2019)
Excellence in Private Practice. Co-presenting with Dr Aaron Frost and Kay Frankcom (Queensland, Nov 2019. TBC.)
Achieving Better Results Through Deliberate Practice 2-Day Intensive workshop (Singapore, TBC)
2018 Trainings:
(Note: Private agency consultations are not posted here)
- A System of Practice, Keynote at Achieving Clinical Excellence, Sweden
- Training of Trainers 3-Day Intensives Workshop in Chicago (Aug’18)
- Deliberate Practice 2-Day Intensive in Chicago (Aug’18)
- FIT Advanced Training in Melbourne, 3-Day Intensive Australia (Oct’18)
- Reigniting Clinical Supervision Batchs #1, #2, #3, #4
- Excellence in Private Practice 2-Day Intensive, (Perth, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane).
Archived Trainings
Achieving Clinical Excellence Conference, Keynote. Sweden, May 2018.
Excellence in Private Practice in Perth, Melbourne, Sydney, Australia, 2018.
FIT and Beyond. Singapore, 24th & 25th of Apr 2017
Hosted by Eagles Mediation Counselling Centre (EMCC), I’d be running two workshops in Singapore on 24th and 25th of April 2017,
DAY I: Feedback Informed Treatment: Three Steps to Becoming Your Personal Best in Psychotherapy, and
DAY II: Beyond Measures in Psychotherapy: Taking Your Personal Best to the Next Level. This is the first time we are able to bring this Beyond Measures workshop, beyond US and Austra)lia, and into Singapore!.
It’s VCF funded, and you’d earn a total of 12 hrs of CPE (approved for SAC Members).
Here’s the delightful team from last year’s introductory May’16 workshop:

For those of you who have attended workshops on FIT before, I highly recommend you join us for DAY II: DAY II: Beyond Measures in Psychotherapy: Taking Your Personal Best to the Next Level. This workshop focuses on the specific practical aspects of pushing your clinical effectiveness to the next level.
For those working hard to serve those in the community, FSCs, VWOs, schools, and other leading organisations who have not been exposed to Feedback Informed Treatment (FIT) ideas, I recommend you joining us for both days. My role in ICCE is to serve you, and bring the best out of you and your team.
If this whets your appetite, join us for a compelling and engaging experience. You can either register directly, or reach out to Joline Lim, joline@emcc.org.sg.
If you are coming from overseas, I assure you, there’s lots to shop, walk, and entertain in the small country/big city. Most of all, these series of workshop is guaranteed to be transformational.
See our recent publications on this topic in APA journal, Psychotherapy:
1The Role of Deliberate Practice in the Development of Highly Effective Psychotherapists
2Beyond Measures and Monitoring: Realizing the Potential of Feedback-Informed Treatment
Igniting Deliberate Practice: The Practice and The Practical of Taking Your Clinical Effectiveness to the Next Level
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Date: 10th of June 2017
Contact person: Dr Aaron Frost (Email aaron@benchmarkpsychology.com.au for further information)
Agencies and practitioners across the globe are now beginning to realise the potential of implementing routine outcomes monitoring (ROM) in their service deliveries (Miller, Hubble, Chow, Seidel, 2015). It is well-established that ROM doubles the “effect size” (reliable and clinically significant change), cuts dropout rates by as much as half, and reduces deterioration by 33%. (Miller, Bargmann, Chow, Seidel, & Maeschalck, 2015; Miller, Hubble, Chow Seidel, 2013).
However, most clinicians, supervisors, and administrators have not yet found a way to integrate the use of clinical data and clinical intuition in a systematic step-wise sequence. This requires a synergistic micro-to-macro symbiotic process of integrating outcomes “one client at a time,” “one therapist at a time,” and “one agency at a time”.
More recently, nominated for Most Valuable Paper (MVP) award by American Psychological Association (APA), my colleagues and I published a study that demonstrates the impact of Deliberate Practice on outcomes (Chow, 2014; Chow et al., 2015). Most practitioners conflate clinical practice with deliberate practice. Past studies (e.g., Wampold & Brown, 2005) converging with our current findings show that we do not get better with experience, and maybe even decline over time (Goldberg et al., 2016)!
Thankfully, there is a way to overcome this stalemate, and we are only beginning to see the impact of a form of focused and deliberate practice that can take your clinical effectiveness to the next level (Goldberg et al., 2016).
This workshop is about igniting this spark, through a systematic and sustaining approach spelled out in this workshop.
1Participants will learn how to employ feedback information to guide their own professional development, and
2Participants will develop an actionable and practical deliberate practice framework to push their effectiveness to the next level.
Recurring Events: Annual Professional Development Intensive workshops in Chicago
See this Evenbrite listing for updates.
This is usually held in August, Chicago, IL.
Design for Life Workshop
Brought to you by CaperSpring.
Co-facilitated with Neo Eng Chuan.
Date: 21-22nd May 2016
Venue: SCWO, 96 Waterloo Street Singapore (187967)
In A Design for Life, we seek to help individuals unlock their potentials, and develop better versions of themselves. This is done through a rich and alive experience of within oneself and with others. This goes beyond the usual “head” knowledge, which most of us already have. A Design for Life is suited for those who want clear directions for a dynamic individualised game plan for their life.

For the first time in Australia, Scott Miller, Ph.D. and I ran a 80 packed in a room SOLD OUT 2-day workshop, REACH workshop (Pushing Your Clinical Effectiveness to the Next Level) in the heart of Fremantle, Perth. Dates: 9th & 10th of May 2016.
Thanks to my teammates at Specialist Psychological Outreach Team (SPOT) and director Duane Smith for championing to make this happen in Perth.
Archive Previous Trainings
The following Contains an Archive of the information from previous trainings.