The Gift Shop

Here is where you can find all of the free and useful resources that I’ve gifted.

“I run two blogsites/newsletters, Frontiers of Psychotherapist Developement (FPD), which is specifically tailored to aid the development and improvement of people in the helping profession, and Full Circles, which for anyone interested in the intersection between our inner and outer life, and what it means to lead a good life.

“Feel free to check out Frontiers and Full Circles and the treasure trove of resources on our Substack. Join us there!

Evergreen Casenote

I’m amazed it has taken me about 2 decades of writing case-notes to finally come up with this system for myself. I’ve been using this particular format to capture what I call “evergreen” information, that is, information that are not time-bound and salient.

You can find this resource here:
Take Note of These 4 Perennial Factors of Your Clients – Frontiers of Psychotherapist Development (

Training Gifts

Click on the link above for the pack of gifts I promised you:

  1. The latest version of the Taxonomy of Deliberate Practice Activities (TDPA) worksheets.
  2. Performance Benchmark Table (as featured in our book, Better Results).
  3. A Cheatsheet for the Outcome Rating Scale (ORS) and Session Rating Scale (SRS).

PLUS! Access to our publications:

  1. Identifying and Refining Your Indivualized Learning Objective (Chapter 2_Chow et al 2023)
  2. The practice and the practical/ Pushing your clinical effectiveness to the next level (chapter from FIT Book_Chow 2017)
  3. Beyond Measures (Psychotherapy_Miller Hubble Chow Seidel 2015)
  4. Access to our chapter, Professional Development_From Oxymoron to Reality (Chapter in Cycle of Excellence_Miller Hubble Chow 2017)

This link above is a free template for you to use to capture your weekly/monthly highlights, as well as your learnings from them. Don’t forget to name your theme for the year.

Here’s a sample of mine over the years:

Private Thoughts (Part I)
Personal Learnings (Part II)

Personal Mistakes (Part I)
Personal Learnings (Part II)

Looking Back at 2020

Looking Back at 2021

I found it most helpful to pin this chart on a wall that is visible and accessible to you.

When you print them at your local stationary shop, I recommend to to print to an A2 size.




Iterative Pathway of a Psychotherapist’s Professional Development

In this 5-Step Iterative Pathway of a Psychotherapist’s Professional Development, I propose for movement and a sense of directionality. I’d spell out what these 5 steps are and provide you with some quick tips along the way. Click the link above.

Imagine This Keynote

Tiny Ideas to Rewire in Education, Supervision, Professional Development
Thanks for tuning in to the ideas presented in this keynote!

1. Footnotes from keynote: All of the resources and related information mentioned in the presentation
2. Sketchnotes from keynote: Images of all the sketchnotes (yep, my elementary grade drawings), so as to aid your recall of the key graf.
3. The Taxonomy of Deliberate Practice Activities (TDPA) worksheets
4. Performance Benchmark Table (as featured in our latest book, Better Results)
5. First Principles in Psychotherapy
6. Deliberate Practice Ideas

We are all homeschoolers now.

Homeschooling? – Full Circles (

Majority of the ideas in this list to keep your kids engaged, learning and connected during these home-bound times were “guinea pigged” in our family of four, with our 6 and 3-year-olds. Some were figured out along the way, and many were grafted from resources I’ve picked up across the years, and others were employed through the years in my work with families as a therapist.

The First Kiss Gift

The First Kiss book aims to help you implement these ideas in the way you conduct your first sessions. It’s not just meant to be a good read, but it’s intended to make good the experience of the first sessions for your clients.

Impact of Sessions Grid

Here is the [Impact of Session Grid (ISG): Example with Esther Perel’s Therapy Session]

The Write to Recovery

Click the link above to download this resource filled with personal stories, artworks, and poetry from people who have sought professional help, the Write to Recovery is a book about ordinary people and their extraordinary quests towards recovery from mental health concerns. Trusted mental health professionals also augment the powerful stories with insightful reflections.

FIT Training Gift Pack

Click the link and fill up the form for the pack of gifts.

  1. Taxonomy of Deliberate Practice Activities (TDPA) worksheets
  2. Performance Benchmark Table (as featured in our latest book, Better Results)
  3. First Principles in Psychotherapy
  4. Deliberate Practice Ideas and more!