Crossing between worlds

This book is for those navigating significant life transitions, those who are Crossing Between Worlds. This book is your guide.

These periods of change, often prompted by loss, crisis, or a desire for personal growth, can be unsettling. Yet this is an invitational season, waiting for you to become who you really are, to come fully alive.

Crossing Between Worlds

Instead of forcing ideas that were not designed specifically for you, this book challenges conventional wisdom and examines 15 paradoxes to help you find your own unique path, depending on the specific season of your life. Crossing Between Worlds provides the much-needed scaffolding to align your natural tendencies, nurture your unique gifts and allow yourself to move, and be moved, towards a new world so that you get to share this gift with others.

Drawing from his teaching and clinical experience, Daryl provides a personalisable roadmap filled with poignant anecdotes, practical wisdom, and persuasive strategies for navigating life’s seemingly contradictory forces (e.g., Should I focus on the present, or the future? Should I learn to say “Yes,” or “No”)..

Rooting for you,

Daryl Chow, Ph.D.

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